Hi Richard,
CustomPosition (true/false) is used to draw the legend in the position indicated for Left and Top properties or in the predefined positions indicated in Alignment property (left, top, right, bottom). That shouldn't have any effect to the properties NumRows and NumCols.
Note that having, for example, one series and six values, the legend has NumRows = 1 and NumCols = 6 by default. And, if you set:
Code: Select all
Chart1.Legend.Alignment := laBottom;
then, there we'll have NumCols = 6 and NumRows = 1.
So, while there isn't a method/property to customize the number of columns/rows you want to display, you still could customize it using more than one legend. And here, I recommend you to take a look at the "Multiple Legends" example (All features/Miscellaneous/Legend/Multiple Legends) example at TeeChart features demo available at TeeChart's program group.