Cursor tool issues

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Alain Bolduc
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Cursor tool issues

Post by Alain Bolduc » Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:11 pm


Maybe I'm missing something, but there seem to be some problems with cursor tool when using fastcursor = false and followmouse = false

1- Cursor is not displayed, but if we hover over the "invisible" cursor, the mouse pointer changes for a VSplit (or HSplit..). Now if I try to move the invisible cursor, it appears but leaves a ghost cursor.

2- I have copied the example Welcome !\Tools\Cursor\Moving programatically in a test project, and I have set FastCursor = false and got the same behavior, so moving the cursor programatically does not work either.

3- If application loses focus and another application comes over, when I go back to my test app, the cursors are not displayed.

Note that if I set FastCursor = false, everything works fine.

I've uploaded a demo project in on your server to illustrate what I'm talking about.

Is there something else I have to set in order to use FastCursor?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Cursor tool issues

Post by Christopher » Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:48 am

Qwerty wrote: Is there something else I have to set in order to use FastCursor?
I think you will find that this has been fixed in the latest maintenance release:

13) [TF02013205]
Programmatic positioning of CursorTool
failing when FastCursor=true. Fixed.
Thank you!

Christopher Ireland (Steema crew)
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Alain Bolduc
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Post by Alain Bolduc » Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:22 pm

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I have downloaded and installed the latest version, and it is a little bit better, but nearly all the issues I noted are still present.

- use FastCursor = true and the cursor is visible on the screen, zoom around the cursor. Once the zoom is applied, the cursor is not visible, but hovering over the cursor will show a VSplit cursor.

- the first time I toggle from FastCursor = false to true, it is working, but toggle it back to false and then to true again, hovering over the cursor does nothing, it doesn't show the VSplit cursor.

- When using fastcursor = true, if we pan the graph, the cursor does not follow the x / y value as it is done when using fastcursor = false

In my opinion, the cursortool in this release is worse than the one in version 3.2

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Post by Christopher » Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:29 pm

Qwerty wrote: I have downloaded and installed the latest version, and it is a little bit better
Great, I'm pleased to hear it!
Qwerty wrote: - use FastCursor = true and the cursor is visible on the screen, zoom around the cursor. Once the zoom is applied, the cursor is not visible, but hovering over the cursor will show a VSplit cursor.

- the first time I toggle from FastCursor = false to true, it is working, but toggle it back to false and then to true again, hovering over the cursor does nothing, it doesn't show the VSplit cursor.

- When using fastcursor = true, if we pan the graph, the cursor does not follow the x / y value as it is done when using fastcursor = false
It would be really nice if you post a simple project with code examples of the issues you are experiencing.

Please bear in mind that FastCursor was not originally conceived to have all the functionality of the normal cursor. In GDI+ there is the limitation of having no XOR pen, meaning that the FastCursor implementation has to use the ControlPaint class for this functionality, which is far from perfect. The FastCursor is only really meant to be used with FollowMouse=true.
Qwerty wrote: In my opinion, the cursortool in this release is worse than the one in version 3.2
That's an interesting opinion. Have you got any code I can run against both versions which shows up the limitations of the more modern CursorTool implementation?
Thank you!

Christopher Ireland (Steema crew)
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Alain Bolduc
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Post by Alain Bolduc » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:06 pm

Hi Christopher, thanks for the quick reply!
It would be really nice if you post a simple project with code examples of the issues you are experiencing.
Sure, I posted via upload page.
Please bear in mind that FastCursor was not originally conceived to have all the functionality of the normal cursor. In GDI+ there is the limitation of having no XOR pen, meaning that the FastCursor implementation has to use the ControlPaint class for this functionality, which is far from perfect. The FastCursor is only really meant to be used with FollowMouse=true.
Beside using fastcursor = true, is there a way to have a cursor that does not redraw the whole graph? I am looking for minimizing CPU usage when using cursor.

I'll explain what I want to achieve, maybe there is another way to reach my goal than using cursors.

I'll refer to "cursor" as the "thing I want to have"

I want to have a cursor that:
1- Can be moved programatically and by mouse
2- Can be associated with a fastline series (can give me X value of the trace)
3- I want to be able to control it's height and add some details under the cursor (such as a number)

What I have done up to now (with fastcursor = false) is working great, but the only thing is CPU performance, so if there is a way I can lower CPU usage, it might be acceptable...

Thank you very much!

Alain Bolduc
Posts: 30
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Post by Alain Bolduc » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:50 pm

Hi, I would like to have a reply on this please!


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Post by Pep » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:55 am


sorry for delay, please take a look at the following post which is related to your post.

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