Zoom UI behaviour changed in 1.1.1644.16795

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Zoom UI behaviour changed in 1.1.1644.16795

Post by johnnyboyc » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:25 am

I can't find anything in the release notes about it, so I thought I'd say something...

A change has been made to the zoom UI process which instead of using a 'reversed dotted line' (presumably with P/Invoke?) approach to render the zoom box, now uses a solid line which forces a complete redraw of the chart for each rendering. Now this isn't a problem when dealing with charts containing a small number of series, but when dealing with say 100 series it becomes incredibly slow to render, even on my P4 3GHz machine.

Could somebody confirm this? And if at all possible would it be too difficult to provide a choice of rendering method in a future release?

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Post by Marc » Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:07 am


Thankyou for bringing that to our attention. That is a bug and as you have observed can affect performance. we'll make an update release available very shortly to resolve it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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