I have the following setup...
series->Marks->Visible = true;
series->Marks->Style = smsLegend;
series->Marks->ArrowLength = 15;
series->Marks->Angle = 90;
However, when testing the mouse pointer over the mark by calling...
series->Marks->Clicked(X, Y)
...I find that the function returns a valid index as though the angle was 0.
Is this a bug ?
Regards, David Peacock.
Series mark 'Clicked' does not test the angle of the mark.
Hi, David.
It's more a missing feature than a bug
The angle is not taken into the account when Clicked determines current mark index.
It's more a missing feature than a bug

Marjan Slatinek,
RE: Series mark 'Clicked' does not test the angle
You have an interesting perspective of what constitutes bug vs. missing feature.
The way I see it, if your tool can draw marks at any angle AND your tool can generate events when the mark is clicked THEN both of these functions should work correctly in all cases. Otherwise, to me, it is a bug.
Would be nice to see it corrected.
The way I see it, if your tool can draw marks at any angle AND your tool can generate events when the mark is clicked THEN both of these functions should work correctly in all cases. Otherwise, to me, it is a bug.
Would be nice to see it corrected.
Hi David,
ok, it has been added on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance releases.
ok, it has been added on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance releases.
Pep Jorge