Resolution of exported images

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Resolution of exported images

Post by pacq » Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:45 am

Hi All

I have just written a VB application that takes data from a spreadsheet and draws charts and exports them as a gif file using TeeChart Pro v5. I want to be able to change the resolution of the exported images

Is there any way I can increase the resolution of the gif files or images
that teechart pro produces to about 300 x 300dpi?

Is there any version of TeeChart pro that has this capability or will any
future release have this capability?



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Post by Pep » Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:51 am

Is there any way I can increase the resolution of the gif files or images
that teechart pro produces to about 300 x 300dpi?
No, there's no way to increase the resolution, the only I can suggest you is to use the PNG format, which offers better resolution and colour contrast.
Is there any version of TeeChart pro that has this capability or will any
future release have this capability?
Not, for the moment. The idea is on the wishlist meaning that an implementation of it will be considered for inclusion into the a future maintenance release.

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