AddNullXY loses PointLabel using SaveToStream/LoadFromURL

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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AddNullXY loses PointLabel using SaveToStream/LoadFromURL

Post by IndustrialMike » Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:21 am

Using TeeChart 6, I'm populating a chart with an ordinary line series and data in code running inside IIS, and streaming the results to a browser using Export->asNative->SaveToStream(true). The browser is loading itself from the streamed output with Import.LoadFromURL(). All works fine up to a point:

Some of the data includes nulls, which I handle in the server-side code with something like
AddNullXY(timestamp, dummyval, errmsg)
where 'errmsg' is a string later used on the client side to explain why that particular data point was null. I use the Series.PointLabel method to retrieve these strings on the browser.

The problem is that the label text (the 'errmsg' parameter above) gets lost (ie becomes an empty string) when the series value count exceeds a certain size. I have not verified the exact cutoff point, but I can verify that with 68 values in the series, the labels are there, and with 187 values, they are gone

I verify that the labels are gone in 2 ways: (i) by looking thru all the PointLabel()s in client-side code and (ii) perusing the Data tab in the editor dialog (MyChart.Showeditor()). I am sure that the labels are being added correctly because (i) it all works with 68 datapoints and (ii) with a 187 datapoints I can see my server-side AddNullXY() code being executed in the debugger.

I think the labels are being lost somewhere in the SaveToStream/LoadFromURL sequence, because when I add the previously-offending set of 187 points and nulls in client-side code (with AddXY,AddNullXY) the labels are all there - no problem

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Post by Pep » Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:36 am

Hi Mike,

could you please send me an example with which I can reproduce the problem here ? . You can send me it directly to [email protected] or post it into the steema.public.attachments newsgroup.

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