Getting Started

TeeChart for PHP
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Getting Started

Post by Lucien » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:43 am

I have used Delphi for PHP for the last year. I have tried to install the PHP TChart Trial version on my local machine Windws machine but have had no luck.

I have read and followed the instructions at still I had no luck.

I think a lot of us are giving up because of this learning curve or battle. Is there nothing you could do to make this transition easier.

I think a lot of pottential customers would us the product - especially those from Delphi VCL environment. (We are use to your methods etc)

Please can you assist

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Re: Getting Started

Post by Pep » Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:19 pm

Hello Lucien,
I think a lot of us are giving up because of this learning curve or battle. Is there nothing you could do to make this transition easier.
Of course, we thought that following the steps described at the install.txt file should be enough. Did you follow these steps ? ( the ones under the "Installation under Delphi for PHP IDE").
If the problem is related with the "phpexpress" loader, just make sure that the .dll or .so file (depending on your system) is placed under the \ext directory, then add the following line into the php.ini file (at the Dynamic Extendions part) :

; ( depending on the server).

Then close and open again the Delphi for PHP and all should work fine.
We're also doing some tests here with the Delphi for PHP and TeeChart for PHP obfuscated version.
I think a lot of pottential customers would us the product - especially those from Delphi VCL environment. (We are use to your methods etc)
Yes, at this moment the Chart can be placed into the form as a component (from the component palette), but we plan to add a designtime editor as in the other TeeChart versions.

I've updated the install.txt file here (adding some comments about the phpexpress installation) for the next maintenance release.

Please , do not hesitate to contact us is you still having problems or you want to comment us something (as in this post) to improve it.
Thanks !

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