That´s exactly the same as my results.When the program first starts running, the CPU usage stays about 12%. As data is added, the CPU usage slowly increases and reaches a steady 30% when the max data is added and the scrolling begins
I send a demo project some time ago. Why don´t you use that?

The problem in CPU usage is in Unit TeEngine
procedure TChartValueList.RecalcStats(StartIndex:Integer);
There is a for which always loops through all points of the chart to compute FMinValue, FMaxValue, FTotal, FTotalABS.
To be honest I can´t beleave that there is no better way to make these calculations. As I said before ... My code enhancements working fine. And if you find some cases where my fix may result in trouble you could implement a workaround for that.
Actually RecalcStats slows down the whole engine enormously and I can´t understand why you don´t try to fix this important issue.
Do you have the source code of tchart? Maybe I can send you my fixed teengine.pas for testing?
Greetz Dominik