My day just got a whole lot worse when the manager insisted that we need to add some tools to TChart ... and as if by magic I was presented with the source code we'd purchased ... Where to start I wonder to myself. Well step 1 is with an overview of how charts work
1. Is there any documentation that should come with the source code .. the only documentation I have is the executable demo, the .net tutorials and the API reference. Nothing at all that describes the functioning.
Right now I am stepping through code (my F11 finger is getting strained) this is a massively time consuming procedure and I'm on a deadline ...
If there is no higher level documentation can you guide me a little to the important classes so I can reduce my learning time ...
I've found the Tools directory so eventually I'm going to be adding a new class in here ... based loosely on the DrawLine (just with many more lines)
I've been stepping through TeeChart.cs through the Draw(), onPaint() methods trying to get an idea how things work ... I dont know if I'm even in the correct class ...
Please point me in the right direction ... what main classes am I interested in, where does all the magic happen ????
WOOHOO found the DoDrawLine(Graphics3D g, Point StartPos, Point EndPos, DrawLineStyle AStyle) method .. added some extra enumerations and appropriate case statements and thats about half of the financial tools I have to add ... However I would love to know how to add a complete tools class rather than just hijacking the DrawLine.
Cheers Phil ... source-code sans documentation == dolor de cabeza.