I've upgraded to TChart V7, and hoped that my previous AddArray problem will disappear. Unfortunately not.

So I still face the problem, that by using the AddArray feature an error message comes up: Run-time error: -2147418113 (8000ffff)
"Variant or safe array index out of bounds"
The simple VB6 code below results the message above. What might be the problem?
Tx in advance, Andras
Dim X_ARRAY(10) As Double
Dim Y_ARRAY(10) As Double
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 10
X_ARRAY(I) = CSng(I)
Y_ARRAY(I) = Rnd * 10#
Next I
' Now add it to the chart.
frmAddArray.TChart1.AddSeries scLine
frmAddArray.TChart1.Series(0).AddArray UBound(Y_ARRAY), Y_ARRAY(), X_ARRAY()