
TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Post by Anthony » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:32 pm


After using TeeChart since last week, I am trying hard to get familiar with it.

Now I have a question about Templates in combination with the Chart Editor (tool that pops up after double clicking on the chart wit all those tab pages).

First I customize the chart by using the Chart Editor (so, proper titles, scaling, axes, etc.) and than exports the template as a *.tee file (File | Export | Tee menu).

After that I import the same data series anew, and import my just saved template file. Does that mean that I have exactly the same chart on my screen, or are there some features in the Chart Editor, which are not saved in a template file ?

And where can I found some doc. to relate choices made in the Chart Editor to properties in TChart, for setting choices in runtime.

Thanks in advance !

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Post by Pep » Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:54 am

Hi Anthony,
After that I import the same data series anew, and import my just saved template file. Does that mean that I have exactly the same chart on my screen, or are there some features in the Chart Editor, which are not saved in a template file ?
Yes, TeeChart's native Ten file formats should save changes made to all the TChart properties and methods available at design-time via the TChart Editor.
Run-time changes made to the Chart via TChart's events are not saved in the Ten file format. The solution to this problem is to run TChart's events after you have imported the Ten file.
And where can I found some doc. to relate choices made in the Chart Editor to properties in TChart, for setting choices in runtime.
There's not any document prepared showing which code you must use to change all the properties availables through TeeChart Editor. But you should be able to find all the necessary info into the Help file and Tutorials. If you need help don't hesitate to ask here.

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