Load files from TC-AX into TC-Java

TeeChart for Java (NetBeans, Eclipse, Android Studio, etc)
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Jared Cooper
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:00 am

Load files from TC-AX into TC-Java

Post by Jared Cooper » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:08 pm

We currently use TC-AX both in our main app and on our web site but are looking at moving to the Java version for the web site to broaden the platforms that can display the charts. I've been playing around with the evaluation of the Java version today but can't seem to get anything loaded that was saved from the Ax version. I've tried loading files saved in the binary native, text native and XML formats but get either a 'invalid stream header' or 'Unrecognised opening tag: chart' exceptions.

I'm testing this in the TChartAWTDemo app, replacing the

chart.addSeries(new Bar());

lines with

} catch(Exception e){

Is this even possible? I would imaging there is at least one format that should be transferable between the versions (even if there are certain features to avoid). We cannot change our chart production app to Java, so need the source TC to be the Ax version. Am I missing something bleeding obvious, just trying something that's not allowed in the evaluation version, or just want to do something that's not supported altogether?


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Re: Load files from TC-AX into TC-Java

Post by Yeray » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:47 am

Hi Jared,

I'm afraid that the native template files are different between versions so they are usually not transportable.
However, we'll consider developing a program to translate a .tee (VCL/ActiveX template file) to a .tej (java template file).
Best Regards,
ImageYeray Alonso
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