Hello Onyx,
Next code works fine for us, using last version 8 of TeeChartActivex and Visual Basic:
Code: Select all
TeeCommander1.ChartLink = TChart1.ChartLink
TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False
TChart1.Scroll.Enable = pmBoth
TChart1.Zoom.Enable = False
TChart1.AddSeries scBubble
TChart1.Series(0).asBubble.Transparency = 50
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Visible = True
TChart1.Series(0).asBubble.AddBubble 50, 25, 5, "Label 1", "&hFF0000"
TChart1.Series(0).asBubble.AddBubble 50, 50, 5, "Label 2", "&hFFFF00"
TChart1.Series(0).asBubble.AddBubble 50, 75, 5, "Label 3", "&h00FF40"
TChart1.Tools.Add tcDragPoint
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asDragPoint.DragStyle = dsY
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.SetMinMax 0, 100
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Increment = 1
TChart1.Axis.Left.SetMinMax 0, 100
Could you check again if you have the correctly syntax of colors according your IDE?
On the other hand, in the
customer download page you can find a new maintenance release of TeeChart Activex. I recommend you, update your version, and check again if problem persist.