Hi, I have this code:
int i = 0;
int sx, sy;
double * buf = new double[nx*ny];
for(int y=0; y<ny; ++y) {
for(int x=0; x<nx; ++x,++i) {
m_SeriesGrid.GetAsColorGrid().AddXYZ( (double)(x+sx), buf, (double)(y+sy), "", my_palette.GetColor( buf ));
My question: how i can use method AddArrayGrid (or may be AddArrayXYZ) instead of these loops and calling AddXYZ?
a simple example coud be something like this (apologies for VB code) :
a simple example coud be something like this (apologies for VB code) :
Code: Select all
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim XZArray() As Double
Dim x As Integer, z As Integer
With TChart1
.Legend.Visible = False
.AddSeries scSurface
.Axis.Depth.Visible = True
' initialize dynamic array grid
ReDim XZArray(35)
' fill with random values
For x = 0 To 4
For z = 0 To 6
XZArray(x * 7 + z) = Rnd
Next z
Next x
' add to 3D series:
.Series(0).asSurface.AddArrayGrid 5, 7, XZArray
.Axis.Bottom.SetMinMax 1, 4
.Axis.Depth.SetMinMax 2, 4
End With
End Sub
Pep Jorge
I use ActiveX version of TChart from MS Visual C++ (MFC) application and method for adding values from array is declared as:
void AddArrayGrid(long NumX, long NumZ, const VARIANT& XZArray);
what data type should be passed as a 3rd parameter in this call and how should i do type cast my array of double (double * buf = new[nx*ny]
to VARIANT data type?
void AddArrayGrid(long NumX, long NumZ, const VARIANT& XZArray);
what data type should be passed as a 3rd parameter in this call and how should i do type cast my array of double (double * buf = new[nx*ny]
