I have some basic experience with TeeChart, but it seems to be not enough for my current need, so I would like to ask for help.
I would like to create a Chart (Line or Points), which shows daily price changes for a period of a year. But the bottom axis shouldn't show those 365 days, but 12 periods for each month - something like this.
For this I'm creating 365 records in my dataset, which has a field "DAY" with the appropriate day number. It also has the fields "MONTH" and "MONTH_NUMBER". For this two fields first 31 records have the values "1" and "Jan", next 28 (29) have the values "2" and "Feb" and so on. But somehow I can't get the chart to display it like I want.
What I get is:

What I would like to get is:

Two major differences here:
- months are "just" labels of the 12 periods
- price changes are displayed not per month, but per day within a month (see 2 changes in October)
Is something like this possible? If so: how do I accomplish that?
Kind regards,