While browsing through TeeChart's online documentation I only see examples based on VB .NET code. However, here in our company we prefer C# as the language for implementing .NET applications.
From courses I know that VB .NET and C# are quite similar, although there are plenty of differences
Let me give an example based on VB.NET versus C# differences for TeeChart.
For example, for the series 0 the 3thd value on the x-axis can be set in VB .NET with:
TChart1.Series(0).XValues.Value(3) = 100.0
Now my problem is to find the equivalent C# code for this. My best guess is something like
If this is the correct code, you will agree that this looks rather different compared with VB .NET code above !!
It seems that for C# the Series property and the Value property are replaced by methods get_Series and set_value. Most likely because C# does not support indexed properties while VB.NET does. Therefor I am little bit scared to find much more differences like this in TeeChart.
So, how can I be sure about the proper TeeChart syntax for C# applications. Is there any documentation available ?
The problem is, my boss wants me to be sure, rather than guessing about the proper C# syntax

Many thanks in advance,
Antoon Koster