as an additional post to the most recent one, I had also problems with errorbars and negative values.
I created the attached chart as boxplot (invisible box and whisker, visible mean line) and added errorbars. The series "A" was created with Errorbar.Add(0, -3, 5, "A"), and the other series "B" with Errorbar.Add(1, 3, 5, "B"). As it can be seen the errorbar "A" has only a distance of 2 to the mean value, whereas errorbar "B" has the correct distance of 5. In other words, I would expect the errorbar "A" to start at -8 and end at +2. I am using the latest version Teechart.Net 4.1.2012.02283.
Another problem with errorbar and negative values
Another problem with errorbar and negative values
- Attachments
- Errorbar_negValues.PNG (13.56 KiB) Viewed 4082 times
Re: Another problem with errorbar and negative values
Hello Oli,
Next code works fine for me, so the distance of Error1 and Error 2 are correct fore me:
Can you tell as if previous code works fine for you?
Next code works fine for me, so the distance of Error1 and Error 2 are correct fore me:
Code: Select all
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Private boxSeries1 As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Box, boxSeries2 As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Box
Private error1 As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Error, error2 As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Error
Private Sub InitializeChart()
tChart1.Aspect.View3D = False
tChart1.Panel.MarginBottom = 10
boxSeries1 = New Box(tChart1.Chart)
boxSeries2 = New Box(tChart1.Chart)
error1 = New [Error](tChart1.Chart)
error2 = New [Error](tChart1.Chart)
boxSeries1.Add(New Double(5) {-3, -6, -8, 15, 19, 21})
boxSeries1.Position = 0
boxSeries1.Title = "A"
boxSeries2.Add(New Double(3) {5, 7, 12, 21})
boxSeries2.Position = 1
boxSeries2.Title = "B"
' //Error1
error1.Add(boxSeries1.Position, CalculateMedian(boxSeries1), 5)
error1.Add(boxSeries2.Position, CalculateMedian(boxSeries2), 5)
error1.ErrorPen.Width = 2
error1.Color = Color.Black
error1.ErrorWidth = boxSeries1.Box.HorizSize / 2
error1.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyles.Top
error1.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Top
error1.MultiBar = MultiBars.None
error1.ShowInLegend = False
' //Error2
error2.Add(boxSeries1.Position, CalculateMedian(boxSeries1), 5)
error2.Add(boxSeries2.Position, CalculateMedian(boxSeries2), 5)
error2.ErrorPen.Width = 2
error2.Color = Color.Black
error2.ErrorWidth = boxSeries1.Box.HorizSize / 2
error2.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyles.Bottom
error2.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Bottom
error2.MultiBar = MultiBars.None
error2.ShowInLegend = False
' //Axes
TChart1.Axes.Top.Visible = False
TChart1.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Items.Add(0, "A")
TChart1.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Items.Add(1, "B")
End Sub
Private Function CalculateMedian(ByVal series As Box) As Double
Dim median As Double
median = 0.0
Dim N As Integer = series.SampleValues.Count
If N > 0 Then
Dim InvN As Double = 1.0 / N
' calculate median
Dim med As Integer = N \ 2
If (N Mod 2) = 0 Then
median = 0.5 * (series.SampleValues(med - 1) + series.SampleValues(med))
median = series.SampleValues(med)
End If
End If
Return median
End Function
Private Sub CustomizeBoxSeries(ByVal boxSeries As Box)
boxSeries.MedianPen.Color = Color.Black
boxSeries.MedianPen.Width = 2
boxSeries.MedianPen.Style = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid
boxSeries.WhiskerPen.Visible = False
boxSeries.ExtrOut.Visible = False
boxSeries.MildOut.Visible = False
boxSeries.Box.HorizSize = 50
boxSeries.Box.Visible = False
End Sub
Best Regards,
Sandra Pazos / Development & Support Steema Software Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia Tel: 34 972 218 797 http://www.steema.com |
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