TeeChart WPF Pixelization

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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TeeChart WPF Pixelization

Post by MVUser6 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:46 am


we are working a lot with the Canvas.
when we export the chart to a bitmap file, we have a little pixelization that we didn't have in the regular .net teechart(with Metafile Format).
after printing it seems more acute - the letters and the numbers are not clear like regular printing and in addition to the pixelization, it's a little bit blurred.

in runtime, it seems a little bit pixelizated also.

i added a sample project that save the teechart to a local bitmap, check the bitmap and see.

1) i saw that the canvas is called GDIPlusCanvas. does it says that it uses the old technology and not a pure WPF canvas? what affects does it have?

2) what can i do to achieve a picture in an higher resolution?

3) what can i do to avoid the pixelization?

in addition, i'm very disappointed that the WPF teechart doesn't support the online editor, it's a really downgrade in the quality of the product.
the printing & the clearance of the letters are very important to our customers(hospitals & critical acute care units).

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Re: TeeChart WPF Pixelization

Post by Narcís » Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:15 pm

Hi MVUser6,
i added a sample project that save the teechart to a local bitmap, check the bitmap and see.
Thanks for the project. Is there any specific reason why you are using TeeChart.WPF.dll in a Windows Forms application instead of TeeChart.dll or creating a WPF application?
1) i saw that the canvas is called GDIPlusCanvas. does it says that it uses the old technology and not a pure WPF canvas? what affects does it have?
No, the canvas used in WPF (Steema.TeeChart.WPF.Drawing.Graphics3DWPF) is a System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext. You can check the implementation yourself using any reverse engineering tool with TeeChart.WPF.dll.
2) what can i do to achieve a picture in an higher resolution?
You can try making the image bigger before exporting it:

Code: Select all

          TChartControl.Export.Image.Bitmap.Width = 1000;
          TChartControl.Export.Image.Bitmap.Height = 800;
and making it smaller after that so you get a better resolution image.

In Windows Forms there's TChart.Graphics3D.SmoothingMode property which might help you as well.
3) what can i do to avoid the pixelization?
What about my suggestions to the previous question?
in addition, i'm very disappointed that the WPF teechart doesn't support the online editor, it's a really downgrade in the quality of the product.
the printing & the clearance of the letters are very important to our customers(hospitals & critical acute care units).
I don't know the exact details behind this decision but, at least, this would mean creating all editors from scratch in WPF. If you are using Windows Forms applications you can always use TeeChart.dll which includes the graphical editors.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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