I have a chart with 3 bar groups:

My problem is that the marks on top of the bars are overlapping. Making some of them unreadable.
I have tried applying this solution:
Similarly I created my own method to reposition the marks which I triggered AfterDraw:
(Not optimised, simple implementation just to serve its purpose)
Code: Select all
private void repositionMarks ()
Rectangle zero = new Rectangle();
for (int k = 0; k < bar1.Marks.Positions.Count
&& k < bar2.Marks.Positions.Count
&& k < bar3.Marks.Positions.Count; k++)
SeriesMarks.Position pos1 = bar1.Marks.Positions[k];
SeriesMarks.Position pos2 = bar2.Marks.Positions[k];
SeriesMarks.Position pos3 = bar3.Marks.Positions[k];
Rectangle rect1 = pos1.Bounds;
Rectangle rect2 = pos2.Bounds;
Rectangle rect3 = pos3.Bounds;
while (Rectangle.Intersect(rect1, rect2) != zero)
pos2.Custom = true;
pos2.LeftTop.Y = pos2.LeftTop.Y + 2;
pos2.LeftTop.X = pos2.LeftTop.X;
rect2 = pos2.Bounds;
while (Rectangle.Intersect(rect1, rect3) != zero
|| Rectangle.Intersect(rect2, rect3) != zero)
pos3.Custom = true;
pos3.LeftTop.Y = pos3.LeftTop.Y + 2;
rect3 = pos3.Bounds;

However if you scroll it horizontally, the repositioned marks stays stuck on the right bound of the chart. Please see image below:

I have tried to trigger the mark reposition method also on Scroll Event but still the same issue persists.
I'm setting AutoPosition property but doesn't seem to have any effect.
Code: Select all
_bar1.Marks.AutoPosition = true;