I'm using TeeChart Pro 4.2018.12.17 and I have a form with chart that looks somewhat like the following:

Chart title (it will be visible only at print preview) has exact the same font as labels and textboxes on the top (Calibri, 12pt).
Axes lines have width = 2 while ticks, dashed grid lines and wall lines (top and right) have width = 1.
And I have some questions regarding printing:
- Initial zoom for print preview is too small - it looks somewhat like:
Is there a way to change that value? - If we zoom in - we can see that ticks and walls are ok, but dashed grid lines are too thick (they have the same width like axes lines) - you can open the following image in another tab to zoom in and see what exactly I'm talking about:
Checking "Quality" checkbox changes nothing - As you can see while printing I'm adding labels and textboxes on the top:
Chart title font is looking bigger than font for labels and textboxes (despite of being the same - Calibri, 12pt).
Code: Select all
private void tChart1_ChartPrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { var temp = new Bitmap(panel1.Width, panel1.Height); panel1.DrawToBitmap(temp, new Rectangle(0, 0, panel1.Width, panel1.Height)); var chartRect = (sender as Steema.TeeChart.ChartPrintJob).ChartRect; e.Graphics.DrawImage(temp, chartRect.Left + (chartRect.Width - temp.Width) / 2, chartRect.Top - temp.Height); }
Looks like that is because chart scales to fit the page (and so the chart title font does).
So how can I get scaling coefficient (or coefficients for X/Y if they are not he same) by which I will need to multiply the font size for labels and textboxes?