
TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Post by TineA » Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:42 am

I try to install TeeChart pro v6.01 with source code for Delphi 7, but it doesn't work. So I would like to know, what EXACTLY I have to do to install... Is it enough to run TeeChart601SourceCode.EXE or I have to install it manually (I can not find all *.bpl files reqired in Install.txt).
Do I have to remove TeeChart component that is originally in Delphi 7...

Valentin :?

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Post by Pep » Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:35 am

Hi Valentin,

>... Is it enough to run TeeChart601SourceCode.EXE
No, you must recompile the TeeChart Pro sources and then install it manually

>(I can not find all *.bpl files reqired in Install.txt).
You should recompile the sources to create them.

>Do I have to remove TeeChart component that is originally in Delphi 7...
Yes, you must remove all the TeeChart Standard components which come with Delphi 7 from the Component List.

You can find a install.txt file with the detailed steps under :
C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v601 Full Source Code

Josep Lluis Jorge

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Post by TineA » Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:48 am

I try to follow Install.txt, but I have problems.
I have open Tee6D7.bpg. The title on the top of Delphi's main menu changed to DclTQR67.

In the Install.txt it is written:

>>Double-click the first package ( Tee67 ) and select

Where can I find this ( Tee67 ) to double-click ?

>>"Project -> Build All packages" to recompile all packages.

I do not see "Project -> Build All packages" in my menu. I see Just "Project -> Build All projects"

>>Please remove old package files and close all projects
>>before recompiling.

How to remove old packages? Just select "Component -> Install Packages" , select "TeeChart" and click "remove" , or there are some other files, which should be deleted.

What this part of install.txt means:

>>Destination of runtime packages:
>>\Windows\System (\WinNT\System32) :

Do I have to include those files somewhere, do I have to delete those files, or ...

Best regards,


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Post by Pep » Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:36 am

Hi Valentin,

>How to remove old packages? Just select "Component -> Install >Packages" , select "TeeChart" and click "remove" , or there are some >other files, which should be deleted.
Yes, you only must remove all the TeeChart packages you find on the list.

About the installation I suggest you download the TeeRecompile tool (which you can find in the "Private Customers download page"). This tool was designed to recompile/build the TeeChart Pro sources and install the components in the IDE. Just download and run it, select the path of the sources, the Delphi version...

If you still having problems let me know.

Josep Lluis Jorge

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TeeChart 6 pro & Delphi 7 Decision Cube

Post by RJCAT » Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:57 pm

do they crash with each other when install T6? I had a bad experience with T5 & D4.

I am thinking of upgrading to T6.


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Post by Pep » Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:04 am

I'm sorry, I'm not sure, could you please be more specific ?
To install an upgrade of TeeChart Pro make sure that all the old TeeChart packages and compiled files have been removed.

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Post by RJCAT » Sun Jan 25, 2004 6:10 pm

Just upgraded to Version 6.7 w/o source. Encounter the following problem

cannot load package 'tee67'. It contains unit TeeAbout which is also contained in package 'tee70'

please help

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Post by Pep » Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:10 pm


the "Cannot load package 'Tee67'" ... indicates Delphi 7 is still
referencing old TeeChart (i.e. Tee70) packages or another non-TeeChart
package that uses TeeChart packages. There are several possibilities

1) The installation was not 100% successful. The solution is to manually
install TeeChart v6 PRO for Delphi 7. There are detailed installing
instructions, available in TeeChart \Delphi6\ directory.

2) The installation was successful but there is another package that is
still referencing old (Tee70) files. Possible packages are

a) Quick Report. This is possible only if you installed Quick Report PRO (or
the newest version of QR Standard) after you installed TeeChart v6 PRO for
D7. The problem is all Quick Report versions are compiled with TeeChart v4
STANDARD (Tee70) files. The solution is to recompile TQRChart component
files. Necessary files + instructions how to do it are located in TeeChart
\Delphi7\QuickReport\ directory.

b) Report Builder. The cause of problem is the same - RB was compiled with
Tee70 files. The solution is to download and install Report Builder that
supports TeeChart v6.x PRO for D7.

c) Decision Cube. This case applies only if you're using Delphi 7 Enterprise
Edition. The cause of problem is the same as in previous two cases. But I
think the latest installer already automatically recompiles Decision Cube
source code. If this fails (sometimes it happens) then the solution is to
recompile and reinstall Decision Cube packages manually. Instructions how to
do this are included with TeeChart v6 installation (Delphi7\DecisionCube\

d) Another 3rd party tool which uses TeeChart packages. Again, the solution
is to recompile 3rd party tool packages with new TeeChart version. Usually
each vendor includes instructions how to do this. If not, check with 3rd
party tool vendor how to do it (apply patch file, TC6 specific installer,
recompile sources, ...).

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Library Path entries disappear?

Post by RJCAT » Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:37 am

After installing TeeChart 6.01, the Library Path now contains only one entry (Teechart directory). The rest disappear!

How should I proceed?

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Post by RJCAT » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:39 pm

Guess I could not wait for your reply. I reinstall D7 plus all the component minus TeeChart 6.01 pro. As what you have mentioned, TeeChart 6.01 crashes with some of my 3rd party components which are using the standard version tee70.

All my 3rd party components purchased are without source (need to save cost plus we won't want to change anything).

What is the best solutions? Should I upgrade Teechart 6.01 to with Source? If so, how I can install TeeChart Pro without affecting my 3rd party components?

Please advice.

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Post by Marjan » Wed Jan 28, 2004 8:35 pm

4207662 wrote: What is the best solutions? Should I upgrade Teechart 6.01 to with Source?
That won't do you any good. If you purchase TeeChart sources, you'll be able to compile and rebuild TeeChart packages. You'll end up with the same binaries you already have (+TeeChart sources). And the same 3rd party tools packages which won't be comatible with TeeChart version you just installed.

1) Disable 3rd party packages which use TeeChart (you don't have to remove all packages, only the ones which reference Tee70 files).
2) Recompile/reistall all 3rd party tools with TeeChart v6 installed.
3) Contact 3rd party tool vendors and ask them to send you TeeChart v6.01 compatible packages.
Marjan Slatinek,

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Post by RJCAT » Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:56 am

I thought with the source, we can change the file name and recompile to resolve the same filename conflict?

Anyway, I have another issue. Delphi 4 Enterprise and TeeChart 6.01 for D4. How can I recompile Decision Cube Component? Currently, it has the same problems with the filename and I am not able to make the Decision Cube appear on the Component Palette.

Thanks for your advice.

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Post by Marjan » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:38 pm

I thought with the source, we can change the file name and recompile to resolve the same filename conflict?
Hmm... Not a good idea. You'll be only changing names, not the contents of packages. Always change/recompile other 3rd party tools packages which require TeeChart packages.
D4. How can I recompile Decision Cube Component?
In Delphi 5-6 you can simply recompile/reinstall DC packages with TeeChart version you have (D5-6 comes with DC sources so you can change/recompile packages). Sadly Delphi 4 does not come with Decision Cube sources so you cannot recompile/reinstall DC packages with TeeChart version you have. DC is owned and supported by Borland (it is not Steema product!) so we cannot:

1) recompile and post TeeChart v6 compatible DC packages,
2) send you Delphi 5-6 DC packages + sources.

To recap: Decision Cube cannot be installed at the same time as newer (TC v5-v6) version i.e. both products cannot be used at the same time. Of course, this only applies to Delphi/BCB 4.
Marjan Slatinek,

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