Dragging charts on a dashboard

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Dragging charts on a dashboard

Post by nickmalden » Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:48 pm

I'm trying to add functionality to allow users to reorder charts on a dashboard and save their positions in the underlying database. I've tried using the OnDragDrop and OnEndDock events on TDashboard, but they don't seem to fire, so I'm guessing that the events are on the charts themselves?

Could you provide any pointers on how I can implement this functionality please?

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Re: Dragging charts on a dashboard

Post by Pep » Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:37 am


the TChart events should be configured on the charts themselves, as the TDashboard component uses SubChart component in order to add Charts.
Before to try to prepare a small code example, could you please confirm which version you're using (vcl or ActiveX) ?


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