Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
I want to draw 3D objetcts like the picture number one. It has to have opaque flat walls and sections of the upper wall of every wall has to be cylindrical.
Till now, I managed to do several first downs but I'm still in my forties. I need to draw cylindrical surface opaque sections. My achievements are shown in picture number two.
Is there way to draw a cylindrical opaque section surface with axis parallel to the depth axis?
any hint ?
Thanks ...
I want to draw 3D objetcts like the picture number one. It has to have opaque flat walls and sections of the upper wall of every wall has to be cylindrical.
Till now, I managed to do several first downs but I'm still in my forties. I need to draw cylindrical surface opaque sections. My achievements are shown in picture number two.
Is there way to draw a cylindrical opaque section surface with axis parallel to the depth axis?
any hint ?
Thanks ...
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
I've been playing with your project from here and found the functions we provide don't allow to draw some polygons so I've added this to the public tracker (#2427).
I've been playing with your project from here and found the functions we provide don't allow to draw some polygons so I've added this to the public tracker (#2427).
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Is there any advance in this topic?
Is there any advance in this topic?
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Note that's still not a real arc. So it's done by drawing polygons side by side.
(#2427) function you'll be able to get this:Note that's still not a real arc. So it's done by drawing polygons side by side.
Code: Select all
Option Explicit
Private Const HORZSIZE = 4
Private Const VERTSIZE = 6
Private Const arcSteps = 360
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Dim newSeries As Integer
Dim planeType(1000) As String ' Vector to define plane type, XY, XZ, YZ, oblique
Dim notFinished As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
TeeCommander1.ChartLink = TChart1.ChartLink
End Sub
Private Sub prepareChart()
Dim x, z As Integer
TeeCommander1.Chart = TChart1
TChart1.Aspect.Zoom = 100
TChart1.Aspect.Orthogonal = True
TChart1.Aspect.Chart3DPercent = 100
TChart1.Legend.Visible = False
TChart1.Aspect.Rotation = 326
TChart1.Aspect.HorizOffset = 0
TChart1.Aspect.VertOffset = -170
TChart1.Aspect.Elevation = 326
TChart1.Aspect.Orthogonal = False
TChart1.Aspect.Zoom = 75
' TChart1.Axis.Visible = False
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Visible = True ' CheckBox1.Value
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Visible = True ' CheckBox2.Value
TChart1.Axis.Left.Visible = True ' CheckBox3.Value
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox1.Text
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox2.Text
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Left.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox3.Text
TChart1.Axis.Left.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Walls.Visible = False
' TChart1.AddSeries scPoint3D
End Sub
Private Sub do_theChart()
Dim Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja As Single
Largo = 90 ' Cells(4, 2)
Ancho = 45 ' Cells(4, 3)
Alto = 30 ' Cells(4, 4)
eCaja = 5 ' Cells(4, 5)
TChart1.Aspect.OpenGL.Active = True
notFinished = True
drawBox3d TChart1, Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja
'makeIsoAxisBis TChart1
notFinished = False
End Sub
Private Sub drawBox3d(theChart As TChart, Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja)
Dim newSeries As Integer
Dim rads As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1
Dim Angle
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, 0, "XY", Largo, Alto, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, Ancho - eCaja, "XY", Largo, Alto, eCaja
drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, 0, "XZ", Largo, Ancho, eCaja
drawSolidWall theChart, 0, Alto - eCaja, 0, "XZ", Largo, Ancho, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, 0, "YZ", Ancho, Alto, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, Largo - eCaja, 0, 0, "YZ", Ancho, Alto, eCaja
End Sub
Private Sub drawSolidWall(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, plane, wLargo, wAlto, wEspesor)
Dim Radio As Single
Radio = wLargo / 4
Select Case UCase(plane)
Case "XY"
' makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0
' makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
' makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
' makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
' makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0 + wEspesor
' makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
Case "XZ"
makeXYPlaneZ theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeXZPlaneH theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0 + wAlto, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeXZPlaneH theChart, x0, y0 + wEspesor, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto, Radio, wLargo / 2
Case "YZ"
' makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0
' makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
' makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
' makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wEspesor, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
' makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0, z0 + wLargo
' makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub makeXYPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XY"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXYPlaneZ(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, rad, pos)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
With theChart
For i = 0 To arcSteps - 1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y0, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z1, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y1, z1, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "2", clTeeColor 'Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor 'Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y1, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XYZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeYZPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z0, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "YZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXZPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXZPlaneH(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, rad, pos)
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z0, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z0, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "5", clTeeColor ' Punto 5
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "6", clTeeColor ' Punto 6
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XZH"
End Sub
Private Sub addpoint3dSeriesBis(theChart As TChart, lastSeriesPointer As Integer, Optional visiblePointer = False, Optional PenWidth = 2)
With theChart
.AddSeries (scPoint3D)
lastSeriesPointer = .SeriesCount - 1
.Series(lastSeriesPointer).asPoint3D.Pointer.Visible = False
.Series(lastSeriesPointer).Pen.Width = 2
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnAfterDraw()
Dim i
Dim ystart As Integer
Dim ydelta1 As Integer
Dim ydelta2 As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, z0, z1, z2, z3 As Integer
Dim points() As Integer
Dim y As Integer
If notFinished Then
Exit Sub
End If
ystart = 250: ydelta1 = 0: ydelta2 = 0
With TChart1
For i = 0 To TChart1.SeriesCount - 1
Select Case planeType(i)
Case "XY"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(1), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(3), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
Case "YZ"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(127, 127, 127)
.Canvas.Plane3D .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(2)
Case "XZ"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
.Canvas.RectangleY .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(3)
Case "XYZ"
ReDim points(15) As Integer
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.Canvas.Pen.Visible = False
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
For j = 0 To arcSteps - 1
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
points(2) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
points(5) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(8) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(11) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(12) = points(0)
points(13) = points(1)
points(14) = points(2)
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5 + 2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
Case "XZH"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
y = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
z1 = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(.Series(i).Count - 2)
ReDim points(4 * 3) As Integer
For j = 0 To .Series(i).Count - 2
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = y
points(2) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = y
points(5) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = y
points(8) = z1
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = y
points(11) = z1
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
End Select
Next i
End With
End Sub
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Thanks for your response Yeray!
Both post are related. I'm just seen that there is a response in this thread: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx.
The second post is about 3D flat polygons not parallel to cartesian planes.
For parallel 3D planes to cartesian, I'm using after_draw method of the tChart and the canvas methods of the series:
PolygonWithZ, RectangleWithZ, Plane3D and RectangleY, but what about tilted planes?
The cylindrical surface I'm trying to draw has its axis parallel to Depth axis (z coordinate). The code you attach produces cylindrical surfaces with axis colineal to left axis (y coordinates). I hope it can be modified to make it colinear to depth axis.
I hope you can give me a hint about how to draw 3D flat polygons not parallel to cartesian planes
Thanks ...
O. Molina
Both post are related. I'm just seen that there is a response in this thread: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx.
The second post is about 3D flat polygons not parallel to cartesian planes.
For parallel 3D planes to cartesian, I'm using after_draw method of the tChart and the canvas methods of the series:
PolygonWithZ, RectangleWithZ, Plane3D and RectangleY, but what about tilted planes?
The cylindrical surface I'm trying to draw has its axis parallel to Depth axis (z coordinate). The code you attach produces cylindrical surfaces with axis colineal to left axis (y coordinates). I hope it can be modified to make it colinear to depth axis.
I hope you can give me a hint about how to draw 3D flat polygons not parallel to cartesian planes
Thanks ...
O. Molina
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
It takes a bit of time to play with trigonometry, but this is what I understand you are trying to achieve:
It takes a bit of time to play with trigonometry, but this is what I understand you are trying to achieve:
Code: Select all
Option Explicit
Private Const HORZSIZE = 4
Private Const VERTSIZE = 6
Private Const arcSteps = 360
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Dim newSeries As Integer
Dim planeType(1000) As String ' Vector to define plane type, XY, XZ, YZ, oblique
Dim notFinished As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
TeeCommander1.ChartLink = TChart1.ChartLink
End Sub
Private Sub prepareChart()
Dim x, z As Integer
TeeCommander1.Chart = TChart1
TChart1.Aspect.Zoom = 100
TChart1.Aspect.Orthogonal = True
TChart1.Aspect.Chart3DPercent = 100
TChart1.Legend.Visible = False
TChart1.Aspect.Rotation = 326
TChart1.Aspect.HorizOffset = 0
TChart1.Aspect.VertOffset = -170
TChart1.Aspect.Elevation = 326
'Yeray mods
TChart1.Aspect.Orthogonal = False
TChart1.Aspect.Zoom = 75
' TChart1.Axis.Visible = False
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Visible = True ' CheckBox1.Value
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Visible = True ' CheckBox2.Value
TChart1.Axis.Left.Visible = True ' CheckBox3.Value
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox1.Text
TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox2.Text
TChart1.Axis.Depth.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Axis.Left.Automatic = False
TChart1.Axis.Left.Maximum = 100 ' TextBox3.Text
TChart1.Axis.Left.Minimum = 0
TChart1.Walls.Visible = False
' TChart1.AddSeries scPoint3D
End Sub
Private Sub do_theChart()
Dim Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja As Single
Largo = 90 ' Cells(4, 2)
Ancho = 45 ' Cells(4, 3)
Alto = 30 ' Cells(4, 4)
eCaja = 5 ' Cells(4, 5)
TChart1.Aspect.OpenGL.Active = True
notFinished = True
drawBox3d TChart1, Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja
'makeIsoAxisBis TChart1
notFinished = False
End Sub
Private Sub drawBox3d(theChart As TChart, Largo, Ancho, Alto, eCaja)
Dim newSeries As Integer
Dim rads As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1
Dim Angle
drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, Ancho, "XY", Largo, Alto, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, Ancho - eCaja, "XY", Largo, Alto, eCaja
drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, 0, "XZ", Largo, Ancho, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, Alto - eCaja, 0, "XZ", Largo, Ancho, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, 0, 0, 0, "YZ", Ancho, Alto, eCaja
'drawSolidWall theChart, Largo - eCaja, 0, 0, "YZ", Ancho, Alto, eCaja
End Sub
Private Sub drawSolidWall(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, plane, wLargo, wAlto, wEspesor)
Dim Radio As Single
Radio = wLargo / 4
Select Case UCase(plane)
Case "XY"
makeXYPlaneH theChart, x0, y0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeXYPlaneH theChart, x0, y0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor
makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0 + wEspesor
makeXZPlaneY theChart, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wEspesor, Radio, wLargo / 2
Case "XZ"
makeXYPlaneZ theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wLargo, y0, z0, x0 + wLargo, y0 + wEspesor, z0 + wAlto
makeXZPlaneH theChart, x0, z0, x0 + wLargo, z0 + wAlto, y0, Radio, wLargo / 2
makeXZPlaneH theChart, x0, z0, x0 + wLargo, z0 + wAlto, y0 + wEspesor, Radio, wLargo / 2
Case "YZ"
makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0
makeXYPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
makeYZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
makeYZPlane theChart, x0 + wEspesor, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0, z0 + wLargo
makeXZPlane theChart, x0, y0 + wAlto, z0, x0 + wEspesor, y0 + wAlto, z0 + wLargo
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub makeXYPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XY"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXYPlaneZ(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, rad, pos)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
With theChart
For i = 0 To arcSteps - 1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y0, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z1, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y1, z1, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "2", clTeeColor 'Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "3", clTeeColor 'Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y1, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XYZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeYZPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z0, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "YZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXZPlane(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XZ"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXZPlaneY(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, rad, pos)
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
With theChart
For i = 0 To arcSteps - 1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1 - rad * Cos(r), z0, "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z0, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z0, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z1, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z1, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y0, z0, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1 - rad * Cos(r), z1, "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z1, "0", clTeeColor ' Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z0, "1", clTeeColor ' Punto 1
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z0, "2", clTeeColor 'Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z1, "3", clTeeColor 'Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y0, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XZY"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXZPlaneH(theChart As TChart, x0, z0, x1, z1, y, rad, pos)
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y, z0, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y, z0, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y, rad * Cos(r), "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y, z0, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y, z0, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y, z1, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y, z1, "5", clTeeColor ' Punto 5
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y, z0, "6", clTeeColor ' Punto 6
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XZH"
End Sub
Private Sub makeXYPlaneH(theChart As TChart, x0, y0, x1, y1, z, rad, pos)
Dim i As Single
Dim r, d, pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
d = 180 / arcSteps
addpoint3dSeriesBis theChart, newSeries
With theChart
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z, "0", clTeeColor 'Punto 0
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad, y1, z, "1", clTeeColor 'Punto 1
For i = arcSteps To 1 Step -1
r = i * d * pi / 180 - 90 * pi / 180
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos - rad * Sin(r), y1 - rad * Cos(r), z, "arc", clTeeColor
Next i
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ pos + rad, y1, z, "2", clTeeColor ' Punto 2
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y1, z, "3", clTeeColor ' Punto 3
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x1, y0, z, "4", clTeeColor ' Punto 4
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y0, z, "5", clTeeColor ' Punto 5
.Series(newSeries).asPoint3D.AddXYZ x0, y1, z, "6", clTeeColor ' Punto 6
End With
planeType(newSeries) = "XYH"
End Sub
Private Sub addpoint3dSeriesBis(theChart As TChart, lastSeriesPointer As Integer, Optional visiblePointer = False, Optional PenWidth = 2)
With theChart
.AddSeries (scPoint3D)
lastSeriesPointer = .SeriesCount - 1
.Series(lastSeriesPointer).asPoint3D.Pointer.Visible = False
.Series(lastSeriesPointer).Pen.Width = 2
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnAfterDraw()
Dim i
Dim ystart As Integer
Dim ydelta1 As Integer
Dim ydelta2 As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, z0, z1, z2, z3 As Integer
Dim points() As Integer
Dim y, z As Integer
If notFinished Then
Exit Sub
End If
ystart = 250: ydelta1 = 0: ydelta2 = 0
With TChart1
.Canvas.Pen.Visible = False
For i = 0 To TChart1.SeriesCount - 1
Select Case planeType(i)
Case "XY"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(1), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(3), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
Case "YZ"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(127, 127, 127)
.Canvas.Plane3D .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(2)
Case "XZ"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
.Canvas.RectangleY .Series(i).CalcXPos(0), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(3)
Case "XYZ"
ReDim points(15) As Integer
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
For j = 0 To arcSteps - 1
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
points(2) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
points(5) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(8) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(11) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(12) = points(0)
points(13) = points(1)
points(14) = points(2)
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
.Canvas.RectangleWithZ .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5 + 2), .Series(i).CalcYPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
Case "XZH"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
y = .Series(i).CalcYPos(0)
z1 = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(.Series(i).Count - 2)
ReDim points(4 * 3) As Integer
For j = 0 To .Series(i).Count - 2
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = y
points(2) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j)
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = y
points(5) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(j + 1)
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = y
points(8) = z1
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = y
points(11) = z1
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
Case "XZY"
ReDim points(15) As Integer
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225)
.Canvas.Pen.Visible = False
.Canvas.RectangleY .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(arcSteps + 2)
For j = 0 To arcSteps - 1
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j)
points(2) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j + 1)
points(5) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j + 1)
points(8) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j)
points(11) = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(arcSteps + 2)
points(12) = points(0)
points(13) = points(1)
points(14) = points(2)
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
.Canvas.RectangleY .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5), .Series(i).CalcYPos(0), .Series(i).CalcXPos(arcSteps * 2 + 5 + 2), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0), .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(arcSteps + 2)
Case "XYH"
.Canvas.Brush.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
y1 = .Series(i).CalcYPos(.Series(i).Count - 2)
z = .Series(i).asPoint3D.CalcZPos(0)
ReDim points(4 * 3) As Integer
For j = 0 To .Series(i).Count - 2
points(0) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(1) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j)
points(2) = z
points(3) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(4) = .Series(i).CalcYPos(j + 1)
points(5) = z
points(6) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j + 1)
points(7) = y1
points(8) = z
points(9) = .Series(i).CalcXPos(j)
points(10) = y1
points(11) = z
.Canvas.Polygon3D 4, points
Next j
End Select
Next i
End With
End Sub
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Looks great Yeray!
But there is something wrong with my teeChart software installation.
I copied the code you provided but I got an error.
For some reason, the Canvas.Polygon3D method it's not recognized in my Excel-VBA instalation.
I'm attaching two screen shots of the code and the error.
What's wrong with my TeeChart Software...?
But there is something wrong with my teeChart software installation.
I copied the code you provided but I got an error.
For some reason, the Canvas.Polygon3D method it's not recognized in my Excel-VBA instalation.
I'm attaching two screen shots of the code and the error.
What's wrong with my TeeChart Software...?
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
When I said this:
I will send you this test version so you can give it a try.
I'm sorry for the confusion. There's no TeeChart ActiveX version with
function published yet.When I said this:
I meant I was testing that function with a test version.
I will send you this test version so you can give it a try.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Thank you Yerai!
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Hi Yeray!
It's been two weeks since you offered to me a test version of teeChart control. Till now, I have'nt recived any link or
zip file to download it. Sorry, if I'm looking so rude, it's not my intention, I'm trying to be as polite as
I can be asking for it. Is there any link from I can download the test version?
Tanks ...
It's been two weeks since you offered to me a test version of teeChart control. Till now, I have'nt recived any link or
zip file to download it. Sorry, if I'm looking so rude, it's not my intention, I'm trying to be as polite as
I can be asking for it. Is there any link from I can download the test version?
Tanks ...
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Sorry for the late response here.
I sent a mail with a link with the download to the mail you have registered in this forum the 9th June.
Please check the spam box.
If you want us to send it to a different mail, you can write to [email protected] referencing this thread.
Sorry for the late response here.
I sent a mail with a link with the download to the mail you have registered in this forum the 9th June.
Please check the spam box.
If you want us to send it to a different mail, you can write to [email protected] referencing this thread.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Thanks for your answer. I sent you an email with another email address. I hope I can download the test version now.
Thanks again ..
O. MOlina
Thanks again ..
O. MOlina
Re: Is it posible to draw opaque cylinder surfaces in tchart.ocx
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |