Hello narcis,
Thanks for the response. I did indeed look through the tutorials particularly number 8 before posting. I can't find which one, if there is one at all that, contains a TeeChart graph (as .TEN format I assume) as an object contained in an OLE Object\Long Binary field example. The example shows (Tutorial

what to do with an existing chart object. I need to retreive the object from the OLE Object\Long Binary field.
I have two layers that deal with accessing the database. These two layers do not reference the TeeChart assemblies, only the User Interface layer does reference this.
I'm having difficultly retreiving the object from the database table (stored as an OLE Object\Long Binary format), and not as chart data the tutorials show. As I've stated I know how to insert and update TCharts by using a System.IO.Memory object variable and byte[] array, but retrieval using object variables seems troublesome for us.
We've tried here to retrieve the field data into a byte[] array and passing the byte[] array to the System.IO.MemoryStream contructor and passing the memory stream to the template Import function. We keep getting an error message that the end of stream has already been reached, hence the chart is not displayed on the winform. An eg. of what we are trying to do here;
byte[] _buffer = new byte[8];
long _getbytes = oledbreadervar.GetBytes(chartobjFieldIndex, 0L, _buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
_map.Graph = new System.IO.MemoryStream(_buffer);
In the interface layer;
Causes the error message mentioned. What are we not talking into consideration here?
Thanks for your consideration Newgroup.