Problem Graphic 3D

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Re: Problem Graphic 3D

Post by "Alias" » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:06 pm

Hi Yeray,
it's ok..

and about the elevation problem? is it in the wish list too?

thank you!

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Re: Problem Graphic 3D

Post by Yeray » Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:44 pm

Hi Alias,

No, I don't still think that the elevation is showing any problem here. The problem is that using custom drawing you have to be careful with the order of the figures you are drawing. Take a look at this:

Code: Select all

            If (((tChart.Aspect.Elevation < 180) And (tChart.Aspect.Elevation > 0)) Or (tChart.Aspect.Elevation < -180)) Then
                'Parte de baixo
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Orange
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 96, Ycentro + 22, 192, 43)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 96, Zcentro + 96, True, 100)

                ''Parte do meio
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Gray
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 104, Ycentro + 10, 208, 12)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 104, Zcentro + 104, True, 100)

                'Parte de cima
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Orange
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 96, Ycentro, 192, 10)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 96, Zcentro + 96, True, 100)

                Dim m(4) As Drawing.Point3D
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Yellow
                m(0) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 135, Zcentro) 'sup. dir.
                m(1) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 20, Zcentro) 'inf. dir.
                m(2) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 100, Ycentro - 20, Zcentro) 'inf. esq.
                m(3) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 100, Ycentro - 40, Zcentro) 'int. esq.
                m(4) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 70, Ycentro - 135, Zcentro) 'sup. esq.

                g.Pen.Width = 1
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Gainsboro
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 155, 8, 155)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 4, Zcentro + 4, True, 100)

                Dim p(3) As System.Drawing.Point
                p(0) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 60, Ycentro - 155)
                p(1) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 30, Ycentro - 155)
                p(2) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 30, Ycentro - 155)
                p(3) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 60, Ycentro - 155)
                g.Plane(Zcentro - 25, Zcentro + 25, p)

                g.Brush.Color = Color.White
                'est. met.
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 55, Ycentro - 195, 4, 40)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro + 18, Zcentro + 22, True, 100)
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 39, Ycentro - 175, 4, 20)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro + 18, Zcentro + 22, True, 100)
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 51, Ycentro - 190, 12, 35) '45
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 6, Zcentro + 6, True, 100)
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 40, Ycentro - 165, 6, 10)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 23, Zcentro - 17, True, 100)
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 55, Ycentro - 200, 4, 45)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 22, Zcentro - 18, True, 100)
                g.Brush.Color = Color.White

                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 55, Ycentro - 200, 4, 45)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 22, Zcentro - 18, True, 100)

                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 40, Ycentro - 165, 6, 10)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 23, Zcentro - 17, True, 100)

                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 51, Ycentro - 190, 12, 35) '45
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 6, Zcentro + 6, True, 100)

                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 39, Ycentro - 175, 4, 20)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro + 18, Zcentro + 22, True, 100)

                'est. met.
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 55, Ycentro - 195, 4, 40)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro + 18, Zcentro + 22, True, 100)

                Dim p(3) As System.Drawing.Point
                p(0) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 60, Ycentro - 155)
                p(1) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 30, Ycentro - 155)
                p(2) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 30, Ycentro - 155)
                p(3) = New System.Drawing.Point(Xcentro - 60, Ycentro - 155)
                g.Plane(Zcentro - 25, Zcentro + 25, p)

                g.Pen.Width = 1
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Gainsboro
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 155, 8, 155)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 4, Zcentro + 4, True, 100)

                Dim m(4) As Drawing.Point3D
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Yellow
                m(0) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 135, Zcentro) 'sup. dir.
                m(1) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 50, Ycentro - 20, Zcentro) 'inf. dir.
                m(2) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 100, Ycentro - 20, Zcentro) 'inf. esq.
                m(3) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 100, Ycentro - 40, Zcentro) 'int. esq.
                m(4) = New Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Point3D(Xcentro - 70, Ycentro - 135, Zcentro) 'sup. esq.

                'Parte de cima
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Orange
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 96, Ycentro, 192, 10)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 96, Zcentro + 96, True, 100)

                ''Parte do meio
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Gray
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 104, Ycentro + 10, 208, 12)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 104, Zcentro + 104, True, 100)

                'Parte de baixo
                g.Brush.Color = Color.Orange
                rect = New System.Drawing.Rectangle(Xcentro - 96, Ycentro + 22, 192, 43)
                g.Cone(True, rect, Zcentro - 96, Zcentro + 96, True, 100)
            End If
Best Regards,
ImageYeray Alonso
Development & Support
Steema Software
Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP)
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