Hi TeeChart Team,
I am manually drawing all the grid lines and inner ticks in my chart. I am drawing all these on AfterDraw event. For that, all the grid lines and ticks are getting drawn only after the data serieses are drawn. I cant make the grid lines visible property to true as it depends on the labels. I just want to know if there is any way i can draw the grid lines and ticks before drawing the data serieses so that it will be behind the serieses. Also i saw there is a Paint even in the tchart control but it is not getting called. I have used Refresh() and Invalidate() functions to call it but it is not getting called. Is there anyway i can fire that Paint event manually?
Draw the grid lines behind data series
Re: Draw the grid lines behind data series
Hi, I have solved that problem. I am drawing the grid lines on BeforeDrawSeries event of teechart. Now the grid lines are drawn behind the series.