I have a graph that contains two series - each one is a line graph. I am graphing altitude and time on the left and bottom axes respectively. I am also graphing the speed and distance on the right and top axes. I have setup the interval on the bottom (time) axis to be .GetDateTimeStep(dtOneMinute) and the top axis to be 0.001. I am noticing an issue as the data set gets larger (20 minutes or more). The data does not seem to correlate.
Is there a way to link the axes together so that if I zoom in on a point, I can see the actual time, distance, altitude and speed for a particular point? Right now, if I zoom in, I can correlate the two axis individually, but not all four together.
Here is an image of my graph:

To sum up...I have two series. The first series has the left axis as altitude with the bottom as time (talValue with a dtOneMinute increment). The second series has the right axis as speed and the top axis as distance (talvalue with a 0.001 increment)
How can I match these axes up?
One thing I noticed is that there is a vertical line for the bottom axis ticks, and a dotted line for the top axis ticks. I'm wondering if this might be part of the problem.
One final note. I am going through my data twice...once for each series (which I can't get around doing due to design constraints), but the data is the same.
Brigg Thorp