Scroll issues with newest TeeChart .NET IOS

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Scroll issues with newest TeeChart .NET IOS

Post by cbrandin » Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:07 am

I've updated my app to use the latest IOS version of TeeChart for Xamarin and have run into a few issues:

When using the pinch zoom feature panning with gestures doesn't work until you have double tapped the chart at least once. I got around this by manually setting the panning active parameter to true.

Panning stops working if your finger slides outside the chart area. I checked and the panning active parameter gets set to false for some reason. In order to be able to pan with gestures again you have to either manually set the panning active parameter to true or double tap the chart (which resets the zoom). Is there a way to avoid this problem? It's easy to see this - just build the simplest chart and it will exhibit this behavior. I looks like the panning gesture recognizer loses focus when your finger slides away from the chart (any direction will do this) and doesn't get it back.

This is a trivial but odd problem. I wanted to set the panel color to white. This doesn't work: "chart1.Panel.Color = UIColor.White.CGColor;". However this does: "chart1.Panel.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255).CGColor;".

I had to rearrange my panning and zooming control code, moving most of it into the before draw event. This appears to be because of the new gesture based zooming and panning. The zoomed event, for example, is not triggered when zooming with gestures as it used to be. It's not a big deal, but I thought I would mention it in case others are running into this.


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Re: Scroll issues with newest TeeChart .NET IOS

Post by Pep » Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:40 am

Hello Chris,

thanks for the advise about this two bugs. Both have been fixed and will be included into the next maintenance release which will be available to download shortly on out web site at the customers donwload page.

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