Pep wrote:This example is not included in the TeeChart Pro AX installation. Are you sure this project has not been created by you ?
Josep Lluis Jorge
No I have not done a surface example yet, I soon need to get to do it, and that is why I studied the surface example delivered by Teechart.
I noticed the readem file say';s it's version 3 ! Perhaps the things is so old it not longer sorks with TeeChart 6.
When I installed Version 6 it put a zip file in the examples directory in an the zip file is a Readme.txt
this is the contents of the readme (notice it says version 3)
* TeeChart Pro ActiveX version 3 *
* *
* Examples for MS Visual C++ *
* *
* teeMach SL, Barcelona *
* *
* email
[email protected] *
The Zipfile includes the following examples:
1. - example of OLE Automation
2. - Interactive Charts using mouse events
3. - Save TeeChart to JPEG file
4. - Sharing a Chart with text on a printed page
5. - Add points and scroll Chart
6. - Use of Surface Series
All examples use the TeeChartDefines.H constant header file.
You will need to add this file to the workspace folder of
each project.