TChart.dll deployment and distribution

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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TChart.dll deployment and distribution

Post by Marco » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:39 pm


we have a little problem with the distribution of our software. In the application we uses a self-written *.dll which uses the TChart.dll. On the development PC it works fine, but on a new installed PC we are not able to start the application.

In the "Tutorial17" I read that we have to include the licenses.licx file in the project, but it is included. So we try to add the registry key "DesignKey", but ist still does not work. So I wrote a test application which includes the TChart.dll in the application and not in a *.dll, it works fine! But I am not able to start the application with the extra *.dll. Then I found a hint to work with the "TeeReg.exe". After I tried the "TeeReg.exe", it was possible to start the application. But I think this could not be the right way to deliver the software.

Is there any solution to distribute our application without so many circumstances?

We are using TChart.Net version 1.1.1879.21176 with Visual Studio .Net 2003 and Windows XP pro.

Thanks a lot!

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Post by Marc » Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:10 am

Hello Marco,

Thanks for the info. Correct, TeeReg.exe shouldn't be used on a runtime installation. It provides a mechanism to install the Developer license only.

Having installed it in a runtime machine does at least prove the point that the application is trying to resolve the license and is responding correctly to its presence. The next step could be to assure that the license be properly compiled into the application to avoid the need to install a license on the machine.

- If you are not using TeeChart on a Windows Form then you are probably creating 'Chart' at runtime, not 'TChart'? If that is the case please check the the licenses.licx file includes a line for each Component used (see Tutorial 17 for syntax).

- If your application uses TeeChart within another dll, you might find the comment, from a TeeChart Developer who recently ran through licensing steps, to be of interest:
It was not enough to provide
the .licx entry in building the DLL that instantiates and uses TeeChart -
no! In fact, even though the main project (the EXE module) did not
reference TeeChart, apparently it was necessary to add the TeeChart
licensing entry to this project's own .licx file.
If that doesn't help please let us know along with any further infromation about the type of application into which TeeChart is being built (eg. dll referenced from application, or winform app, etc.)

With thanks.
Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Posts: 20
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Post by Marco » Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:32 pm

Hello Marc,

your last tip to include the licenses.licx file also in the application works very fine!
Thank your very much for this hint, I never would have got the idea to include this file in the application.


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