How to display Unicode characters in teechart?

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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How to display Unicode characters in teechart?

Post by CYT » Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:16 am

I am using TeeChart ActiveX with ASP (Server) and VBScript (Client).

I am trying to display Unicode (UTF-8 ) characters in teechart at title or label. All I get is ‘???’. Here is how my system is designed.

When a foreign (for example, Catalan) user tries to browse our web site, the web server detects the language setting of the browser and assigns Title and Label text in the browser language to TeeChart object. All texts are in Unicode (UTF-8 ) format. The TeeChart object is then saved into a temporary directory at the server using Tchart.export.saveToFile() in a native .tee format.

When client received the web page from server, it displays TeeChart by running a VBScript, LoadFromURL(), to load the .tee file from the temporary directory at server.

The Client has Meta tag indicates that this HTML page is Unicode (UTF-8 ) encoded and the server ASP file has code page set to Unicode (UTF-8 ). The system that I am currently testing consists of a server running English operating system and a client running English operation system with regional setting set to Catalan.

My guess is that although TeeChart can accept the Unicode string (with the WideString data type) but when .tee file is saved, the OS automatically convert it to ANSI and lost the correct Unicode encoding. Am I right? If so, how I can save the .tee file in Unicode (UTF-8 ) format. Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem?

Ching-yeh Tzseng

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Post by Pep » Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:23 pm

Hi Ching,

Unicode text definition is possibly being lost in the Chart save to tee. We'll take a look. In the meantime please could you confirm that the text is correct at the moment of adding it to the Chart by saving some test Charts as image files. We'll run some tests here to see whether we can come up with any suggestions

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