OpenGL continued improvements

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Mike Jones
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OpenGL continued improvements

Post by Mike Jones » Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:59 pm

I was wondering if there is any enhancments planned in the near future for the OpenGL version of TeeChart?

I have been playing with the TeeChart.OpenGL and I am concerned that it will not meet our applications needs. Some of my concerns are

1. Resolution of the drawing surface seems very coarse. Things like chart title, axis title, and other text on the axes are difficult to read. Tried adjusting colors and other settings, but had no effect.
2. It doesn't appear that tchart.DoZoom method, when using OpenGL, works the same as when not using OpenGL. the points were zoomed but the axes did not change.
3. Rotating an OpenGL chart can produce some very undersirable effects where the graphing area overdraws titles, legends.
4. Very slow if there are many points (say more than 2500)
5. I get a sense from the number of posts in this forum that the OpenGL control is not used heavily by Steema Customers.
6. Have bugs posted in other topics been addressed? It is difficult to follow up and find if issue TF02011966 & TF02011957 have been fixed.

I guess my best hope is that you have been aware of these issues and have been enhancing this over the past several months.

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Post by Marc » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:44 pm


OpenGL is an area of current development, a fix for TF02011966 will be included in the next update along with several other improvements to OpenGL rendering. TF02011957 remains pending.

There are several behavioural challenges with the rendering of the OpenGL Chart along with the many visualisation improvements it brings. We are working to bring it fully into line.

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

Mike Jones
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Post by Mike Jones » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:06 pm


Thanks for the update. It is encouraging that Steema is continuing the development of OpenGL Charts.

Our company owns the source code for TeeChart for .NET. While we are evaluating our current needs and requirements, it would be very helpful to have as many details in your plans for OpenGL. We are looking at enhancing the OpenGL Charts, but obviously we think it would be better to be on the latest release of Steema Source. That way we will avoid having a different version and we could benefit most from the Steema support. As a last resort we might modify our source to gain the functionality we need.

Would it be possible to provide a time line and details of improvements in or around 3D charts and OpenGL? This would help us decide if we need to plan for custom programming in house or wait for your next release.

By the way, we have been very pleased at the frequency of releases of TeeChart versions. It has fit well into our release cycle of our product.

Feel free email me directly if you would like. My email address is below.


Mike Jones
Sr. Developer
Targeted Convergence Corp
[email protected]

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Post by Marc » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:59 pm

Hello Mike,

I'll pass you some status details via email.


Mike Jones
Posts: 192
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:00 am

Post by Mike Jones » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:25 pm

When might I see some details?

I just want to make sure you had not already sent them and I did not receive the email.


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Post by Marc » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:09 am


The mail's on its way. Sorry for the delay, I didn't have a chance to get to it till now.

Steema Support

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