Very Tricky Resize Bug in v3 - First Bar Disappears.

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Very Tricky Resize Bug in v3 - First Bar Disappears.

Post by qcrnd » Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:07 am

We have a chart and I noticed that sometimes when resizing it , the first bar disappears. I tried to reproduce it on a seperate applcation and found it very difficult BUT I have finally managed to do it and have uploaded it to your site. Its Called TChartV3Tester.
It seems to be related to specific data in the chart as well as a specific width.

To see the bug Simply Run the Aplication , and then press button Width366. This button sets the width of the chart to 366 and you will see the first bar is invisible (although it is clickable).

FYI I also tested it with the latest version 3.5.3371.26405 and it still happens.

Also It seems that the same problem can happen with the last bar on the axis as well although my sample doesnt show it , but I saw it in our application.


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Post by Yeray » Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:16 pm

Hi qcrnd,

We know that we have still some problems with the bars in some specific cases but I couldn't reproduce anyone with your example project using actual sources. Also I've noticed that in your example you are using the 3330 build that is not the latest available. So please, ensure that you are referencing the correct dll.
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Post by qcrnd » Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:48 pm

Hi Narcis
I dont understand why you cant reproduce it . I ran this sample on several PCS and the same thing happened. Not only on mine.
Like I TOLD YOU , I tried it with the latest version as well and the same thing happened. Please investigate this issue further because there is certainly a problem in your code and I need to be sure that it will be fixed shortly because we cannot release our application with such a bug.
Try and run the executable that I compiled which is in the directory of the zip file. BTW did you press the Button Width366 to change the width?

Anyway . This was checked with both version 3.5.3371.26405 and with 3.5.3330.21113 and I made sure 100% that and it happens all the time with the sample. I made sure that I was running 3371 using proces explorer
attached is a screenshot showing the bug on the chart and the process explorer showing the TeeChart.dll version 3371.26405 loaded.


If you have a later version than 3371.26405 then let me know
Waiting to hear from you shortly .

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Post by Yeray » Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:12 pm

Hi qcrnd,

I tested with the actual sources and couldn't reproduce it, so it's expected to be fixed for the next maintenance release. Now I've re-tested, and yes, you are right, with the latest release (3371) available the issue is reproducible. Excuse me if I confused you.
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Post by qcrnd » Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:46 pm

Hi Yeray
Ok I am glad that now we are in sync.
can you just please explain to me what you mean by the maintanence release.
1. Are you doing your tests with a different version than 3.5.3371.26405 . ? Please explain what version you do your tests with.
2. When will this next version be released ?

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Post by Yeray » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:36 am

Hi qcrnd,

1. We usually do the tests with the "actual sources". When a developer applies changes to the sources, the others get them and use the new modified sources. And when we decide to allow our customers to download a new release, we create installers with the sources we have at the moment and we call it a "maintenance release" (with a new build number).

Then the process begins again. That means that the sources are constantly modified between releases.

2. I'm afraid we haven't fixed a date yet. Please, be aware at this forum announcements.
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Post by qcrnd » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:45 am

Hi Yeray
Thanks very much. waiting for the next version -
BUT... can you please confirm one more thing. There is another bug related to this and I want to be sure that your maintenance version also fixes this problem.

I have uploaded another V3 Tester called in this case the second bar disappears when you resize ( click button Width405 ). Another difference is that the label of the bottom axis also disappears. (With the previous problem there was a label and only the bar disappeared)
PLEASE NOTE: This only seems to happen if the SECOND bar has a ZERO value . I doesnt happen if the value is > 0.

1. Can you please make sure that you can reproduce this with the 3371.26405
2. Can you please make sure that your maintenance version FIXES this problem


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Post by Yeray » Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:11 am

Hi qcrnd,
qcrnd wrote:1. Can you please make sure that you can reproduce this with the 3371.26405
qcrnd wrote:2. Can you please make sure that your maintenance version FIXES this problem
Confirmed. It's fixed in the actual sources, so will be fixed in the next maintenance release.
Best Regards,
ImageYeray Alonso
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Steema Software
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Post by qcrnd » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:49 pm

Hi Yeray

Thanks very much for the help

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